home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- object MessBox: TMessBox
- Left = 264
- Top = 187
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- object lbTxt: TLabel
- Left = 53
- Top = 19
- Width = 157
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'This folder already contains a file '
- end
- object lbFileName: TLabel
- Left = 56
- Top = 40
- Width = 52
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'lbFileName'
- end
- object lbTxt1: TLabel
- Left = 57
- Top = 59
- Width = 192
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Would you like to replace the existing file'
- end
- object File1: TImage
- Left = 59
- Top = 78
- Width = 32
- Height = 32
- AutoSize = True
- Stretch = True
- Transparent = True
- end
- object lbSize: TLabel
- Left = 98
- Top = 78
- Width = 28
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'lbSize'
- end
- object lbDate: TLabel
- Left = 96
- Top = 96
- Width = 31
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'lbDate'
- end
- object lbTxt2: TLabel
- Left = 58
- Top = 119
- Width = 68
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'with this one ?'
- end
- object File2: TImage
- Left = 59
- Top = 142
- Width = 32
- Height = 32
- AutoSize = True
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = False
- Stretch = True
- Transparent = True
- end
- object lbSize1: TLabel
- Left = 99
- Top = 142
- Width = 28
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'lbSize'
- end
- object lbDate1: TLabel
- Left = 97
- Top = 160
- Width = 31
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'lbDate'
- end
- object btYes: TButton
- Left = 79
- Top = 202
- Width = 75
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- Caption = 'Yes'
- ModalResult = 6
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = False
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object bNo: TButton
- Left = 184
- Top = 203
- Width = 75
- Height = 25
- Caption = 'No'
- ModalResult = 7
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = False
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- end
- end